Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Courtney is Lost...

In Uganda, when you have been away or haven’t been seen in awhile, people will say you are “lost.” I have been getting a lot of that lately…

I’m sorry I have been so remiss on updating my blog lately. Last week my bosses from Boston were in Uganda, so I have been working pretty much nonstop. However, their visit did provide an excellent excuse to go chimpanzee tracking in Kibale National Forest, which was a great adventure (updates and pictures coming soon). As a sneak preview, while I had a great time bushwhacking through the rainforest in search of our closest animal relative, a few hours was enough, and it appears that I will NOT be finding my inner Jane Goodall anytime soon.

Other than that, life in Uganda is going well. My friend Gwen who is living and working in Afghanistan is coming to town on Friday for her R&R (rest and relaxation), so perhaps I’ll be able to convince her to do a guest blog or something equally nerdy.

Anyway, updates coming soon, but just wanted to let everyone out there know that I am alive and well, in spite of my blogging absence…

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